Plans & pricing

Save 33% when billed yearly

Use Patchwrk for free
no time limit
  • 100 cards
  • 100 images
  • 10 PDF uploads (coming soon)
  • Unlimited boards
Plus plan - Coming soon
$0 / month during beta
$4/month after beta period, billed yearly
  • Unlimited cards
  • Unlimited images
  • Unlimited PDF uploads (coming soon)
  • Unlimited boards
  • Invite collaborators (coming soon)

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Send us an email at

Why do you charge for Patchwrk?

We're a two-person team and Patchwrk is completely self-funded. No ads, no investors, and we'll never sell your data. We need to charge in order to cover our costs and continue development. We hope that you enjoy Patchwrk enough to help us keep it running!

What happens to my content if I downgrade?

Don't worry, none of your content will go away when you downgrade your account. You simply won't won't be able to add new cards, images, or PDFs if you're above the limits of our free plan.

What's the deal with Patchwrk beta?

Before we charge for Patchwrk, we want to have certain core features in place. During the beta period all users get access to all of the features of the paid plan, no credit card required.